Saturday 15 November 2014

Ulcerative Colitis and Nicotine Replacement Therapy, a personal experience (post no.2)

I wanted to update a few things about the post I made yesterday and provide a couple of links where people can read about this topic for themselves (from accredited peer reviewed sources)

yesterdays post was very factual and to the point. I find when reading blog posts or articles that I have to read through a lot of irrelevant text to find the information I'm seeking, so I wanted my post to be very straightforward.
To pad out the story a little bit more; I started taking over the counter nicotine replacement lozenges about 8 weeks ago.I take one per day. my UC was flared up for 20months+ despite taking pentasa, imuran, colifoam, salofalk etc. I was on and off prednisolone for 2 years.
Since taking the NRT my symptoms have improved gradually and I now have good bowel control, no blood or mucus when passing stools. before the NRT I was passing blood, pus, mucous, had very poor bowel control, lots of accidents and was always nervous about my bowel, afraid to go anywhere unfamiliar in case i had an accident. I also had anemia because of constantly passing blood.
In my case the terminal 12cm of the bowel was inflamed making my bowel control very poor. I still take all of my meds. NRT is something I tried myself and was not recommended to me by a doctor. NRT can make chrons symptoms worse. It sometimes helps those with UC.
I also intend to go for food intolerance testing as I already know for certain that some foods trigger my symptoms.
I wanted to share my experience as nrt has really helped me and maybe it could help someone out there who is struggling as I was.

World Journal of Gastroenterology : WJG
Baishideng Publishing Group Inc
Ulcerative colitis in smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers
Guillermo Bastida and Belén Beltrán

Nicotine treatment for ulcerative colitis
M Guslandi!po=5.55556

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